Below are the contact details of all of the Councillors that represent the City of Greater Dandenong and the best angles to lobby them with.
Best Angles

No Councillor Mobile Phone   Email Address Angles
1 Cr Angela Long 0466 004 616 Interested in tackling climate change (though needs to have the link to climate change explained to her) and interested in visual appearance of suburbs. Has the view only native trees should be protected. While her primary interest is native trees both native trees and non-native trees provide canopy cover. Will be reassured about doing community consultation first on any proposed controls on trees on private land before making any changes.Resident of Dandenong North.
2 Cr Jim Memeti 0434 560 239 Key person to move as he is so far unconvinced and is generally poor on environmental issues. Most likely angle is that Council should progress to a community consultation before doing anything. Also is likely to be convinced by arguments that making Greater Dandenong more leafy will lift status of area and property prices (which is a truthful argument). Resident of Dandenong.
3 Cr Maria Sampey 0438 800 027 Best to tap into her strong dislike for the visual blight of fully concreted frontyards. Nervousness of a public backlash could be mitigated my explaining that any proposed changes should go out to community consultation. Resident of Dandenong North.
4 Cr Peter Brown 0468 584 837 Best to tap into concern growing in the community about climate change and visual blight of fully concreted frontyards. Nervousness of a public backlash could be mitigated by you explaining that any proposed changes go out to the community. Represents the Noble Park and Keysborough Areas.
5 Cr Sean O’Reilly 0422 523 258 As the mover of the climate emergency motion earlier this year climate change is the driver and his understanding is solid. Will be reassured about doing community consultation first on any proposed controls on trees on private land before making any changes. Lives in and represents the Springvale area.
6 Cr Zaynoun Melhem 0466 518 082 Concerned about climate change though may not understand how much impact climate change could have to reducing impact of climate change by drawing down carbon and the urban heat island effect. Nervousness of a public backlash could be mitigated by you explaining that any proposed changes should go out to the community. Also is likely to be convinced by arguments that making Greater Dandenong more leafy will lift status of area and property prices (which is a truthful argument). Lives in Dandenong North.